In developing the JIFS, I put a lot of thought into what would make this assessment useful and easy for both evaluator and client.
1. It uses a FIVE-POINT SCORING SYSTEM with the highest rating of 5 being functional, either with or without adaptive equipment. I do not feel that the use of adaptive equipment in order to be more independent should be a reason to penalize someone when scoring their functional status.
2. It has a separate LAMENATED RATING SCALE CARD for easy reference during testing. I’ve done enough evaluations with lower functioning individuals to know that something handy and washable is a must!
3. The OTR Edition includes a special SCREENING TOOL which can save time and money.
4. The Life Skills tasks can be used in TREATMENT PLANNING since the JIFS is non-stardardized.
5. Most skill areas in the Life Skills section include “other”, so that it can be CUSTOMIZED to meet the specific needs of the individual.
6. The skills in the Foundation section use REAL LIFE, MEANINGFUL TASKS to evaluate level of functioning. When working with someone of low cognitive abilities, artificial tasks have no meaning and will not reflect true level of functioning
What have you found to be unique about the JIFS? What ages and populations have you found the JIFS to be useful with? Let me know!